I passed! They didn’t kick me out of the program!

So I took my first assessment of the program (as you can see in the title)…it was quite an experience, especially at 6:30 in the morning. What Bloc does is before you move on to the next module of the program, they require you to take one and pass before you can move on. There are obvious reasons for this, and I’m glad they don’t just wave a flag and let everyone just pass through.

The way these are structured is that they are meant to simulate a real interview, like one you would have at a potential employer. It is composed of personal, technical, and coding questions, and is performed remotely over teleconference, much like mentor meetings. They also have a someone at Bloc you’ve never met administer the interview as they feel a stranger better replicates the job interview environment.

This one in particular covered Command Line, Git & GitHub, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS which are all things that I’ve been exposed to so far. I passed with flying colors, but I know that I couldn’t have done it on my own. My mentor helped me greatly to prepare me for it. He went above and beyond to create practice problems and questions to give me an idea of the kinds of questions they might ask. He’s awesome! On to Module 2!