It’s been about a month since my last post, but I can explain…we welcomed a new baby girl a couple weeks ago! She couldn’t be a more perfect addition to our family! Things were a bit hectic leading up to the due date(and still are!), but our family is doing great! I’ve already had a few days where I’m just flatout exhausted but nothing compared to what my wife went through. Big shoutout to all the moms out there. What you all go through to bring a baby into the world is beyond words.

Coding has admittedly taken a bit of a backseat the past month, but I’ve done things here and there to keep from getting too rusty. The incredible thing about code is that if you haven’t touched, say a project in a while, it takes a good while to figure out what is going on there after you open it up again. I’ve found that to be true even before I had a baby, so now that I’m getting back to work on my to-do list application, I feel a bit lost trying to remember where I left off. Oh well, back to the grind!