In my previous post I wrote about creating a restaurant website for my family’s business. One of the user stories I set out to complete was creating an interface where users could make a reservation. For this I looked through various gems and ultimately decided on this datetimepicker gem because it worked with jQuery. One interesting thing I learned when installing it was that not all gems are hosted on In this case I had to use:

source '' do
  gem 'rails-assets-datetimepicker'

One of the frustrating experiences I had as well as my mentor was figuring out how to change the default formatting to display time in 12HR format rather than 24HR. I figured out that the datetimepicker was parsing and formatting the time and date displayed using PHP. I ended up going to the PHP manual here to figure out how to change the date and time formatting. The result was this revision on line 42:

This is how the calendar/reservation form looks:

Next, I discovered the strftime Ruby method to format the output of the arrival time.

<%= @reservation.arrival.strftime("%F - at %I:%M%p") %>

Now when a customer creates a reservation on the website, he gets this confirmation: